Better replacements for common CLI tools

CLI tools are a big part of my day to day. But some of the most common ones have not evolved much for a while. There are some good replacements for them. bat for cat bat is like cat but with syntax highlighting. $ brew install bat $ alias cat=bat exa for ls Use it instead of ls. $ brew install exa $ alias ls=exa fd for find I find fd faster and simpler alternative to find.

GitHub CLI in my day to day workflow

I hate context switching in general and that is why I try very hard not to have to switch tooling for as long as I can. In particular, when it comes to source code management, I try to do it all from the terminal. At DuckDuckGo we use GitHub as our source code management tool. And our day to day involves looking at issues, creating, reviewing, approving PRs, etc. I use Git from the command line and so, I do not like having to lift my hand off of the keyboard and reach out to the mouse just to go to GitHub to eg.

Better merge commit messages

I have used different code management systems depending on the company, from GitHub to Phabricator. But all companies have a very similar pattern: open a PR (Diff in Phabricator) fill-in the PR (Diff) template submit PR (Diff) Generally developers put a lot of effort adding the appropriate information in the PR template, this is ours. And although templates may vary a bit from company to company, they generally all have the following:

How to organize your gradle modules

As your application grows, you hopefully organize your code into several gradle (library) modules. You can do that to isolate/decouple features, or to build common libraries for your code base, etc. One pain point when starting doing this is that gradle modules tend to like to be in the project root folder, having a structure like the following: - my-app | - feature-a | - feature-b | - feature-c | - lib-a | - lib-b | - lib-b This is a very flat structure for my taste, it would be much better if we could organize our gradle modules like the following:

Why blogging

Why blogging? this is a question that only recently, after talking to a very wise person, I came to a good answer for. A bit of context, I like blogging. And at the same time, I struggle to be consistent about it. For the past years my blogging has been in bursts and pretty much I have always stopped because of the same reasons: frictions about the tooling to blog - see this for more insight on that I considered that the themes I was thinking about blogging were not worth putting out there The second bullet above is the one that has been more difficult to overcome…until now.

My Nth first blog post

This is the Nth first blog post for my (new) blog. My requirements for blogging are simple, I just care about writing and I don’t really want to waste a lot of time typing commands to create the blog, to format it, or publish it…or any of that. In the past I have tried several solutions such as: Medium – I liked it because it pretty much meet my requirements, I was just concern about writing.


Hi, I am not very consistent at writing but sometimes you’ll find some content here. You can also find me on Medium.